The 10 Qualities of a Total Winner
Quality 1: Positive Self-Expectancy
"Life is a self fulfilling prophecy. True winners go into every event expecting to win."
Quality 2: Positive Self-Motivation
"True winners dig deep and find motivation inside themselves to get through that tough task or to learn a new skill."

Quality 3: Positive Self Image
True winners are confident and view themselves as competent, valuable human beings.
HAving a positive self image is key to being successful and great at demonstrating who you are. My first thoughts on self image is being someone they look at and think good about. When people look at you, you want them to they great of you when they see you. If people think bad about you then it doesn't seem to demonstrate good. It is also important to view yourself as a good image and not put yourself down. What is needed is confidence and the confidence inside of you that must be shown to everyone. Everyone is a valuable human being that is a true winner within them. True winners are people who are positive about their self image and are great people to meet. Confidence is a key to life that forever remain important everyone.
Quality 4: Positive Self Direction
You gotta have direction if you are going to go anywhere. True winners know where they are going. Their sense of direction comes from the self and not from outside influences like parents or friends.
Knowing where to go is important for positive self direction. A winner draws out the path that they are heading. They go for what they want and not do what outside influences ask for. They determine their path and the way they want to go. Choosing your path is what you choose to do and what matters is how you do it. You have to get there your way and not listen to expectations from others. People who don't want to see you win will try to change your mind, but it is best to ignore them and follow your path. Make sure not to ignore everybody adding a comment to your path, people will give you great advice to encourage you and much more help. True winners demonstrate themselves to the world and the success that will come from the direction they chose.
Quality 5: Positive Self-Control
Total winners can sacrifice immediate pleasure for a gain in the future. Delayed gratification is of immense value in reaching your goals.
Self control is need in life. You have to know when to control yourself and demonstrate who you are. Sometimes habits can become bad habits overtime. In order to stop it you will need positive self control. Having good self control is knowing you can stop something by just not doing it. People have things they want to stop about themselves and over time they'll work hard to have incredible self control. Stopping immediate pleasure has to be a great win because it all matters on how you can control yourself. You'll reach your goals and you'll reach them having incredible self control. For the sake of your future it all depends on one person and that one person is you yourself. Being positive and sacrificing immediate gratification will show you and gain the future with self control.
Quality 6: Positive Self Discipline
You have to discipline yourself or else someone else will discipline you into doing what they want you to do. Total winners have the power to discipline and take control of their lives.
Doing what you want to do is up to you and how you want to do iit. Many people will try to make you do something you don't want to. In order to control your life you need to have discipline. The winners in life become winners because of what they decide to do. Winners don't come out of people who control them. You get to decide what you want to do, don't let other people stop you and control what they want to see you do. You are a winner by the path that you choose to take. You, yourself will be the winner in your life and will demonstrate how successful you will be in life to everyone. Self discipline demonstrates to yourself, it has yourself, it has the word self. This is about you and what you want to be in your life. You have to always see yourself as a winner because everyday you have to wake up with the words "I way will win,' in your head. Do not let anybody get you to do what they want, you do what you want to do.
Quality 7: Positive Self Esteem
Your mood and outlook on life affect the way you see the world and how you interact in it. Total winners are positive, powerful people who make people feel good and provide a good vibe to those around him/her.
Having a positive self esteem is a guarantee win in life. By having self esteem you'll demonstrate how great of a person you are. Your mood determines everything about you and you just always need to have that positive mood that can set that tone to everything around you. The way people will know who you are is the way that you demonstrate your mood and the way that you express yourself towards them. The people that you surround yourself with will always a expect a positive mood from you and will be glad to see you. Self esteem is an essential in life it is the key to being positive. Your mood will actually affect the way you see the things around you and how you will react towards them, and that means you better have a positive mood to see the importance of the things in this world. A total winner is a positive winner. Winning comes from positivity and that is a quality that is needed all the time.
Quality 8: Positive Self-Dimension
Total winners like in the present. They know that now is all there is. They don’t get caught up in the past or worry about the future. They simply handle the business that they can handle which is the stuff going on today, now.
Having as positive self-dimension is all about knowing what timing is to be about. Getting caught up with something in the past will only stop you or slow you down from achieving so much. thinking about the future will only have you worry. It is all about being in the present time to know what you can do now so you won't slow down or be stopped. It must be handled all the time. You just can't simply do something that is due right now, later. Everything must be on time and it must demonstrate that you are in charge of controlling your time. Time is one of the biggest things in a person's life and it must be managed correctly. You have so much time but it's your job to handle it and do what must be done and use as much as you can to achieve so much. There is the famous saying "use your time wisely" and these words literally mean to do what you can with the time you have.
Quality 9: Positive Self-Awareness
Total winners are aware of their power. They understand that they can be anything with enough effort and determination.
Successful people know what they are capable of. You must know what you can do and what you can do best. Demonstrating what you can to is important not just to the people seeing you but mainly important to you. You have to aware of yourself and know what to do with yourself and no one else's thoughts. You have to be aware of you and just you. Try your best to be aware of just you and train yourself to know what you're mostly strong at so you can improve that trait. You have to put so much effort and determination on what you want to do in your life by what you are interested in. If you do not put effort and determination you will not achieve. You must be a total winner that will put effort into everything that will demonstrate how much of a winner you are.
Quality 10: Positive Action
Total winners take positive action in their business and with their friends and family. They are uplifting and motivating individuals who inspire the best from themselves and other.
Action is important but what's truly important is your action. Your actions will determine who you are and who you will show to people. Winners always will commit positive action, you will have to commit a positive action to feel like a winner and to show it. Motivation to others shows how much of a positive person you are. You have to be positive to yourself and to others. Inspiration is something that will demonstrate a great action that can spread to more positivity. Positivity is a action that holds people together. People do not stick around for negativity, people stick around when there's positivity. Being a winner is to have positivity and not just for themselves but to also share it with people so they can also generate positivity and be inspired to become a winner and make others winners.
True winners are confident and view themselves as competent, valuable human beings.

Quality 4: Positive Self Direction
You gotta have direction if you are going to go anywhere. True winners know where they are going. Their sense of direction comes from the self and not from outside influences like parents or friends.

Quality 5: Positive Self-Control
Total winners can sacrifice immediate pleasure for a gain in the future. Delayed gratification is of immense value in reaching your goals.

Quality 6: Positive Self Discipline
You have to discipline yourself or else someone else will discipline you into doing what they want you to do. Total winners have the power to discipline and take control of their lives.

Quality 7: Positive Self Esteem
Your mood and outlook on life affect the way you see the world and how you interact in it. Total winners are positive, powerful people who make people feel good and provide a good vibe to those around him/her.

Quality 8: Positive Self-Dimension
Total winners like in the present. They know that now is all there is. They don’t get caught up in the past or worry about the future. They simply handle the business that they can handle which is the stuff going on today, now.

Quality 9: Positive Self-Awareness
Total winners are aware of their power. They understand that they can be anything with enough effort and determination.

Quality 10: Positive Action
Total winners take positive action in their business and with their friends and family. They are uplifting and motivating individuals who inspire the best from themselves and other.

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