Class Evaluation
1. What I like about this class is how we learn about ways in life like The 7 Habits and many more, I also like how we learn codding by going on scratch or like planning my life on my goals journal and writing paragraphs about what has happen in my day.
2. Some things that I don't like about the class is that there's people standing when it's time to be dismissed and how we couldn't spend more time coding.
3. A recommendation that I will give to improve the class is to spend more time on the goals Journal.
4. A highlight for me in this class is working on my goals journal and writing down goals that I have for my future life that I will complete. Another highlight for me was being able to work on coding.
5. Yes, I did try my best in this class and I put so much work and effort into my assignments. My grade in this class is an A and this proves that I have worked hard for such a great grade.
6. Yes I am on my goals journal daily and I will continue to be on my goals journal. Sometimes I'll miss to do my 5 minute daily on my goals journal because I would just have to do so much work and be busy for the whole day.
7. Yes, I am committed to being a CTR person 24/7. It is the right way to be and the right way to go. I do constantly seek personal development, day by day I get better and better to being the best person I can be.